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Liposuction helps women and men in the Los Angeles area who are at or near their ideal weight improve the shape of their bodies by removing areas of excess fat. Our experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons perform the advanced VASERlipo® and SAFElipo® liposuction techniques in Torrance to help people from Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, and Long Beach, CA, and other South Bay communities reduce trouble spots and look their very best.

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What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that removes pockets of fat by suctioning it away with a long, thin tube called a cannula. It is safe and effective for fine-tuning body contours not overall weight loss.

What Are the Benefits of Liposuction?

Imagine enjoying a slimmer look and finally ridding yourself of those stubborn pockets of fat that won’t respond to diet or exercise. Our experienced plastic surgeons in Torrance use lipo to provide these results and more. In addition to improving your appearance, this procedure can also help you feel more comfortable in clothing and enhance your body image. Common treatment areas include:

  • Saddle bags (outer thighs)
  • Inner thighs
  • Love handles (flanks)
  • Under the chin
  • Abdomen
  • Back, including the bra line

“It’s been almost a year and a half since I came in for liposuction. Every day I look in the mirror and I’m so glad I did it. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job. My self esteem is so much higher. My husband can’t believe how much happier I am.”

— J.J.

Read more patient testimonials.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Torrance and Los Angeles?

The cost of liposuction in Torrance, Long Beach, Manhattan Beach, and throughout the Los Angeles area varies based on your unique needs, but you can visit our Pricing page to get a general idea of what we charge for this procedure. At South Bay Plastic Surgeons, liposuction is priced per treatment area, so your cost will increase for each area treated and the duration of the total procedure.

Liposuction is considered a cosmetic procedure, so it’s not covered by insurance. We strive to make the procedure accessible to all our patients, however, so we work with CareCredit™ and Alphaeon to help you spread the cost out over several months or years. Visit our Fees and Financing page for more information.

Is Liposuction a Good Way To Lose Weight?

Our surgeons believe it’s important for patients to understand that liposuction is a body contouring procedure that removes specific areas of fat. However, liposuction is not a weight loss method. Although there is no hard-and-fast rule about BMI (body mass index) and liposuction, we recommend that patients with a BMI of 30 or higher should lose weight through proper diet and exercise prior to undergoing liposuction. Large-volume liposuction, as would be necessary with surgery on individuals with a BMI of 30 or greater, carries increased risks. If you would like to know your approximate BMI, you can calculate it using this Mayo Clinic BMI tool.

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery are both plastic surgery procedures that can improve the appearance of the abdominal area. Here are some reasons for choosing each one.


The best liposuction results are attained by patients with good skin elasticity. This procedure is good for:

  • Removing areas of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise.
  • Slimming the abdominal area without a long scar.
  • Eliminating the appearance of double chin.
  • Sculpting the hips and waist.
  • Adding definition to the abdominal muscles.

Tummy Tuck

This procedure involves a longer recovery period than liposuction and its benefit to the abdominal area is more significant. It is good for:

  • Tightening lax abdominal skin.
  • Repairing stretched and separated abdominal muscles.
  • Reshaping the belly button.
  • Removing stretchmarks below the belly button.

Many patients who want to improve the appearance of their midsection benefit from having both procedures performed together.

A Reputation Built on Results

I am so grateful to have had my surgery here. I breast ex plant surgery. with Dr . Burrell -she does...
I had two consultations at South Bay Surgeons, and I immediately felt comfortable with Dr. Newman....
Had an amazing experience with SB plastic surgeons and Dr. Lisa Jewell who did my breast reduction....
Dr Rendon was amazing! He talked me through my procedure and let me know the pros and cons. He listened...

What Does Liposuction 360 Include?

Lipo 360 involves liposuction of the entire trunk area, including the abdomen, back, and flanks. We perform Lipo 360 frequently because it gives our surgeons greater control of our patients’ results and allows us to sculpt the entire midsection. This comprehensive approach to contouring the body allows us to create a shapely, trim silhouette when viewed at any angle.

Good to Know

Liposuction is not a weight loss method. While patients may lose a few pounds, liposuction is performed to remove specific areas of fat and not for overall weight loss.

Fat cells cannot grow back after liposuction. Treated areas will remain slim indefinitely as long as you continue to exercise and eat right.

Liposuction will not prevent you from gaining weight. Although your trouble spots are not likely to return, you will gain weight in other areas unless you keep up a healthy lifestyle.

Scars are possible with liposuction. Incisions are tiny and placed where the resulting scars are discreet, such as in natural creases.

Can I Combine Other Procedures With Liposuction?

People considering liposuction often choose to combine it with another procedure, such as a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or a mommy makeover. If you are considering combining procedures, your surgeon can talk with you about the benefits, including having to plan for only one recovery period.

Liposuction Alternatives

If you have a smaller area of unwanted fat such as a double chin or if you’d prefer a nonsurgical liposuction alternative with minimal downtime, CoolSculpting® may be a better match for you. KYBELLA® treatments are an injectable option for getting rid of submental fat (a double chin).

Liposuction After Weight Loss

People who have lost weight — small or large amounts — may find that their new body shapes are not in perfect proportion. Certain areas of the body, such as the stomach or thighs, are genetically predisposed to hold onto isolated pockets of fat. Unfortunately, exercising usually doesn’t affect this stubborn fat either. Our surgeons often perform liposuction as part of post weight loss plastic surgery to help balance body proportions. By focusing on your individual problem areas, liposuction can give you the physique you want, despite genetics or stubborn problem areas.

Your Liposuction Procedure

Our surgeons perform liposuction as an outpatient procedure using general anesthetic or local anesthetic with sedation. The unwanted fat is injected with a large volume of tumescent solution that contains saline, lidocaine, and adrenaline to make the areas firm and numb and to inhibit bleeding. The surgeon then inserts a cannula through small incisions and carefully sculpts the area by vacuuming out the fat. Once fat removal is complete, your surgeon closes the tiny incisions with surgical tape or sutures. The anesthetic contained in the tumescent solution relieves pain for about 12 to 24 hours after surgery.


In order to get the best results, our surgeons often use VASERlipo to make fat removal easier and gentler than traditional liposuction alone. VASERlipo is different because it uses ultrasonic energy to break up fatty tissue, which is gentler than having a surgeon loosen fat by vigorously moving a cannula.

VASERlipo targets fatty tissue without damaging surrounding blood vessels and connective tissue, producing excellent results, and minimizing the healing time. The procedure is similar to traditional liposuction, beginning with the injection of tumescent fluid that helps numb the treatment area and reduces bleeding and bruising. The surgeon then inserts a small probe that transmits the ultrasonic energy, liquefying the fat. The liquefied fat is gently suctioned from the body.

Is VASERlipo Better Than Regular Lipo?

VASERlipo can be used effectively on virtually any area of the body or face, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hips, back, calves, chin, and both male and female breasts. The benefits of the technique include:

  • Faster recovery than traditional liposuction
  • Gentler than manual liposuction
  • Removes large amounts of fat
  • Can be used to treat large areas on the body or areas that require more precise treatment

Additionally, fat removed using VASERlipo is better-suited for fat transfer procedures, such as a Brazilian butt lift, which involve re-injecting a patient’s fat to enhance other areas of the body or face. VASERlipo’s gentle process increases the number of fat cells that survive the transfer process.

In addition to VASERlipo, we also perform and SAFElipo® on some patients. Our skilled team of surgeons can help you determine the best method for you based on your unique concerns and goals.

How Long Is the Recovery for Liposuction?

Recovery after liposuction is typically quick, but it depends on which areas are treated, the number of treatment areas, and the amount of fat removed. Initially, you may have mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising. The bruising fades within about a week. Swelling and soreness dissipate gradually over several weeks. You need to wear a compression garment for several weeks to minimize swelling and help your results look smooth and firm. Most patients are ready to return to work within about a week and resume strenuous activities in about 3 to 4 weeks.

Visit our blog for a detailed liposuction recovery timeline.

To find out about the improvements possible with liposuction, request a consultation using our online form or call South Bay Plastic Surgeons at (310) 784-0644 and one of our helpful staff members will schedule your appointment.

Doctors Rendon, Burrell, Newman, Jewell, and Liang standing next to each other

Meet Our Surgeons

Our team of board-certified plastic surgeons provides an unmatched combination of training, experience and specialization for optimal care.

Liposuction FAQ

Does liposuction remove fat permanently?

Fat cells are removed from the body during liposuction and do not grow back. You will still be able to gain weight in other areas, so it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise consistently.

Are there any side effects I should be aware of?

When you choose an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon for your liposuction procedure, any side effects will likely be temporary. Expect some degree of the following side effects in treated areas:

  • Soreness
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Numbness
  • Firmness

These side effects typically fade within 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the areas treated and the volume of fat removed.

How painful is liposuction surgery?

The tumescent solution injected prior to the procedure makes the targeted area numb, so you shouldn’t feel anything whether you are awake or asleep. After liposuction, patients typically experience moderate soreness (experiences vary).

How soon after surgery will I see results?

Treated areas will look slimmer right away and continue to reduce over the following weeks as swelling dissipates. Within 6 weeks, patients have a good idea of what their final results look like. Swelling may continue to fade for up to 6 months.

Does lipo leave loose skin?

Patients with good skin elasticity are best suited for liposuction because the skin naturally tightens over the slimmer contours after surgery. If you have mild to moderate skin laxity, ThermiTight® minimally invasive skin tightening could be a good way to improve your liposuction results.

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